ACO Electronics Limited
Leading the way in forgery detection



Although we provide comprehensive instruction and operator manuals with all of our products, there may be some customers who feel that hands on training on a particular instrument will be beneficial.

To cater for these clients we can offer training at our offices here in Cambridgeshire for individuals or for small groups of students. If it is not feasible to send personnel to us, we can arrange to conduct on-site training at your preferred location, either in the UK or overseas.

Courses will give the students an insight into the techniques of document examination using our equipment, but for more comprehensive courses in the forensic examination of documents and for document checking services we would like you to contact our training partners.


Renful Premier Technologies

Renful Premier Technologies aims to bridge the gap between technology and the human factor by delivering high quality and customisable security training products, services and consultancy.

Detection of Inadmissible Passengers / Fraudulent Documents

With the numbers of international travellers arriving at their destinations with inadequate or fraudulent documentation increasing, Renful has identified the need to increase the proficiency of airline / immigration staff in verifying passports, and help them to identify inadmissible passengers. Renful provide seminars that teach current international trends, passenger screening and interview techniques and the use of advanced document verification equipment.

Passenger Profiling

In order to improve the passenger screening process at applications such as Airports, Customs and Government Buildings, Renful deliver Passenger Profiling  seminars where participants will learn the behavioural analysis and questioning techniques required to identify suspicious signs in passengers.


The Westwood Organisation

The Westwood Organisation is a niche business providing immigration advice, training and consultancy to both companies and individuals. The business is owned and run by Ian Westwood, a former Chief Immigration Officer with UK Border Agency, (now the UK Border Force).

Ian Westwood has built up an extensive knowledge of false and forged documents over many years’ service in UK border control and is frequently asked to speak on the subject. Apart from offering document examination training The Westwood Organisation can offer a document checking serviceby validating identity documents and qualifications to ensure job applicants are qualified to work within the U.K.


Passport Proven

Passport Proven was founded in 2013 to provide those with a need to establish the right to work in the UK or to verify the identity of an individual, with a tool to assist in that process.  It is also of use to those who have to comply with current money laundering regulations and those staff at universities and colleges dealing with student admissions.

Passport Proven is an interactive web based programme that analyses features in a passport, Biometric Residence Permit and EEA Identity Cards to help establish the authenticity of that document.